the reign never sleeps

long live the rain

is it just me, or does the Hobbit look like Andy Steinharter?

BrandiQ informs that we appear to be broken. Daily.

She advises that for the first 1/4 of the human day, humans function sufficiently. The next quarter they get bye. The third 1/4 they are simply trying to achieve brakedown, i.e. beddy bye time.

This is the death cycle. With the exception that we carry more of our memories forward on a daily basis, for humans there is not an appreciable difference between sleep and reiteration.

For dead folks, time does not accrue. Some spirits stay ghosts 4ever, which caused me to question, why? Why don't some dead return to the land of the living.

Two explanations might suffice. 1 They don't wish to. 2. They can't, i.e. they shouldn't.

If the second, the Christian hell & damnation nonsense comes to mind. If one believes that explanation 2 is a possibility, one fundamentally misconstrues nature, i.e. existence.