Witch is sentience?

I met the author Jed Somit yesterday. Nice guy, he was chatting with a young mother i will call Sentient.

As i've written before, one of the stressors of public life is people verbalise my thoughts. Possibly, Sentient was unknowingly verbalising my thoughts. I didn't get that sense. She seemed clued in. I suspect she knew who/what i am.

Jed, who is as sweet as the day is long, began speaking of Mark Twain. My writing style has been compared to a 21st Century Mark Twain. I am hard pressed to think of a greater compliment.

When Jed raised the topic of Mr. Clemens

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i sensed that he had not the connection in his mind. His mind did not seem to speak of/to me in a way that he realised His Twain thought was my Twain Thought.

Is an earthworm sentient? One might argue more so than you and i. The earthworm is in her moment. He knows what he is doing. She is focused, perpetuating the ecosystems. Is an earthworm more sentient than most humans?

Recently i was listening to a swami. One of his disciples, Nam, had explained to me whilst chopping vegetables that the advantage a Swami has compared to a Pastor is the consciousness transference. Pastors focus on The Book. They attend seminary, learn to speak Pastorese, and use presentation methods to enforce their point. Swamis, not so much.

Swamis are in the moment. They are absorbing exponentially more sensation than most of us. They are making connections between pre-life experiences, the moment and post-life experience in a way most of us have difficulty imagining.

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